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2023 Genesee Water Main Project

The City of Lapeer is in the final stages of obtaining a significant grant for the installation of a new 12-inch water main on West Genesee Street between Millville/Demille on the west and Harrison St. on the east.  This project will replace the existing 6-inch water main that is well past its life expectancy. Unfortunately, the installation of the new water main will require the closure of one or more lanes of traffic on Genesee Street during the project, which is expected to take place between mid-July and November 2023.  Water and sewer operations are not expected to be impacted at all during the project and should remain fully operational throughout the entire period.  As the City gets final approval on the grant and closer to the beginning of the project the City will release more specific information as it becomes available to us.  The City understands that this project will disrupt normal traffic patterns and cause all sorts of headaches and frustrations for awhile and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve the City’s water reliability and repave the road afterwards.

West Genessee Water Main Project Map